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With excellence, determination and hard work, Adil’s Private Limited has accomplished acknowledgement and success within a short span of time.


Adil’s Private Limited considers global merchandise as a significant and one of the largest in service sectors in business, striving to succeed through noble servitude


Adil’s Private Limited, we aim to involve and utilize all available resources to ensure safe, secure and guaranteed trade of goods across the major markets.



Whether you are a start up or an already established venture, we offer an assortment of professional services to find the best manufacturers for you …


If you want to have your product manufactured with the best quality and without hassle, our specialist team is ready to help you in …


Once we have found the right supplier for you at the best possible price, we will not let you go …

Clear Filters
Twenty One
Clear Filters
So, What Is It That You Are Waiting For? Start Business Now.
Adil's Private Limited offers a diversified platform that is indulged in functionality and analysis of B2B, B2C and B2G, so that returns can be maximized.
Give Your Business a Boost

By choosing us as your outsourcing associate, you will allow your business to reach the heights of success. You will find expert members in our team, those who are specialists in their fields and will boost your company business and reputation to help you make gigantic profits in a short time span.

Do Business in Affordable Price

We will help you find the perfect suppliers at reasonable prices. With us you will come across the best resources and associates, that too, staying within your budget!

/ Core Principles for Products


Focus on the “bull’s eye” not the target. Exceed customer’s expectations by being more accurate than the specifications. Reduce variability by being more accurate in your daily tasks.


Efficiency is not just making people work harder; it comes from evaluating a process and reducing the unproductive work.



As we become more accurate, clean, efficient and safe, we will improve the quality of our products and exceed the expectations of our customers.

Customer Satisfaction

Keeping in mind the approach, “Customer is always right” we look forward to facilitate

Obaidullah (1952-2011)
Obaidullah (1952-2011)
Muhammad Adil Obaid
Muhammad Adil Obaid
Cheif Executive Officer
Muhammad Aqil Obaid
Managing Director
Tariq Nawaz

USAID being one of the world’s major organization for providing aid and assistance of any kind to countries that lack in development, peace or economy, we sometimes experience shortcomings. Since we are often helping several countries simultaneously shortage of supplies is justifiable and inescapable. In such cases, we always opt for Adil’s Private Limited because of their remarkable services, quality supplies and cost effective rates. More importantly in emergency situation supplies have to be delivered super quick and Adil’s Private Limited really get the job done. We have been doing business with them for quite some time now and they have never gone back on their words something not very common is in today’s business world. We would highly recommend their services to everyone.

Muhammad Amir

Working in conditions that are not only difficult but unexpected, Save the Children has always been an advocate of children’s right all across the world. Unfortunately even in such advanced time, millions of children are left homeless to die of hunger and disease. We always have tons of supplies of all sorts ready to be shipped anywhere across the globe in case any emergency situation like a disease outbreak or a famine hits. However sometimes we face shortage of emergency supplies because such situations are unprecedented and anything could happen. But Adil’s Private Limited have always had our back with their emergency relief and rehabilitation supply services. They have always delivered on time and time in such emergency situations is of essence. On top of that, they have never disappointed us with the quality of their supplies. Their impeccable dedication, professionalism and high morals have made them our go to option for any emergency situation.

Saud Ahmad Jan

Islamic Relief is an organization dedicated to supporting women, children and families in need with dignity and care. When an emergency situations like floods or droughts come unannounced we have to get maximum amount of basic life supplies in the least amount of time possible to the affected areas. At times this is quite difficult because situations often are worse than we expect. In this case we always opt of Adil’s Private Limited, not only do they supply finest quality materials required but they also go above and beyond their ways to make sure the supplies have reached the destination on time. This has made them our most trustworthy partner in emergency situation. We would certainly recommend other organizations to opt for their help in any emergency.

Shamim Akhtar

As the largest provider of fundamental health and life necessities to the most deprived children and adolescents all across the world. We work in the most bizarre and difficult places of the world, we gather as many supplies as possible with plenty more tons in stock to make sure every disadvantaged person is properly attended to. However because of ever changing conditions and situations, we occasionally fall short on supplies and the nature of the places we work in make it difficult for supplies to reach on short notices or if an emergency disaster hits. But ever since we started working with Adil’s Private Limited, not only are our supplies always on time but the quality and class of their products are remarkable. It truly shows their dedication to their business. In addition to this, their services are impeccably reliable, we have never been disappointed. After availing their help for more than a dozen times we would definitely rank their emergency relief and rehabilitation supply service as one of the bests in the world.

Syed Munawar Hussain
Proc & Stores

As the biggest producer and manufacturer of defense and military products like conventional arms, explosives, uniforms, hunting ammunition, brass, copper and aluminum ingots in Pakistan. We always come across problems like shortage of necessary chemicals, elements and equipment to make these because of the ever increasing demands from various military and private security companies. The struggle we go through to find high quality and up to the standards materials is incomprehensible. Although we rarely opt for any second party organization for such materials, Adil’s Private Limited has been a mind changer. All their materials and equipment are of top notch quality. On top of that, their customer services are nothing short of professional and exemplary. They have always been true to their words in terms of quality of their goods, delivery time and prices. After seeing their sincerity and determination in what they do, we have made them our go to shop for any required materials.